Robert Denlow to Speak at National Conference
Robert Denlow, principal of Denlow & Henry, will speak at the upcoming American Law Institute and American Bar Association conference on Eminent Domain and Land Valuation.
“This popular and long running advanced course of study kicks off with a comprehensive update on eminent domain case law and legislation by a pre-eminent practitioner.
Each morning, the course focuses on hot issues and topics that affect practitioners today. Those issues include: Defending against Private Development; The Just Compensation Failings of the Rails to Trails Program; New Media Strategies for Marketing Your Eminent Domain Practice; The Economic Failings under the Penn Central Test; and Immediate Possession, Due Process, and Non-Compensable Damages.
A dual track system on Thursday and Friday afternoon addresses important substantive and practice topics in a series of breakout sessions. Registrants can learn about the key issues in substantive takings law from nationally recognized and experienced professionals. This year, their topics include: The Relationship between the 14th Amendment and the Takings Clause; Special Assessments, Taxes, and Other Ways the Government Seeks To Recoup Just Compensation Losses; Ways To Handle the Valuation of Difficult Properties; Common Problems When Valuing Contaminated Property in Condemnation Proceedings; and Dissecting and Drafting Contingency Fee Agreements.”
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