Road Taxes Are Rising Across the US
Missouri voters rejected a proposed tax increase to fund road buildings and repairs on the August 5, 2014, election, but Missouri as well as states throughout the U.S. are facing the challenge of how to maintain and upgrade their road infrastructure in the face of congressional stalemate of the federal Highway Trust Fund.
According to an Associated Press review, one-fourth of the states have addressed this problem by raising taxes, fees, or fines, and at least twelve other states are studying their options. Last year, George voters in nine transportation districts defeated a sales tax hike, and in April, Seattle area voters rejected a transportation sales tax and vehicle fee increase.
Fuel tax increases have passed recently in New Hampshire and Wyonming.
Opponents of sales tax hikes say that sales tax increases affect the poorest of the population, but do not require any form of payment from the heaviest users of the road, the tractor-trailer rigs. Read more at
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