Ameren Transmission (ATXI) files notice of intent with the Missouri PSC for the Mark Twain Transmission Project
Ameren Transmission Company of Illinois (ATXI) filed of Notice of Intent to file an application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity with the Missouri Public Service Commission for its Mark Twain Transmission Project. The Notice was filed on December 9, 2014. The move comes as a surprise as ATXI continues its litigation against the PSC where it contends the project does not fall under PSC jurisdiction. The lawsuit is currently on appeal before the Missouri Western District Court of Appeals after a Cole County Circuit judge ruled against ATXI. In the Notice, ATXI stated it was filed, “without merenconceding that ATXI is subject to the jurisdiction of the Missouri Public Service Commission or otherwise required to file this notice…” A notice of intent must be filed at least 60 days before an actual application for certificate of public convenience and necessity. ATXI also filed a Notice of Intent for the related Illinois Rivers Project.
Property owners along the proposed project are still waiting for ATXI’s announcement of the final selected route.
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