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Kansas City Metro (Missouri)
Grain Belt Express Clean Line has finalized its proposed route for its electric transmission line. In Missouri, the route is proposed to go through Buchanan County, Clinton County, Caldwell County, Carroll County, Chariton County, Randolph County, Monroe County and Ralls County. The proposed direct current transmission lines beginning in Spearville,…
Continue ReadingThe City of Lee’s Summit, Missouri is improving Jefferson Street from Stuart Road to Persels Road. The improvements include widening and reconstructiong Jefferson Street as a three-lane road from Persels Road to Scherer Road. From Scherer road to Persels Road, Jefferson Street will be two lanes. Eminent domain can be…
Continue ReadingKansas City Metro (Kansas)
The City of Lee’s Summit is completing design for the widening of Jefferson Street from Oldham Pkwy to Persels Road. Other improvements will include a traffic signal at the Jefferson/Persels intersection, street lighting, sidewalk, shared-use path, water line, & sewer line replacement. Once design is complete, the City will begin…
Continue ReadingThe old railroad corridor was acquired from the Union Pacific Railroad. Before the City’s design can be completed, the exact uses of the corridor (whether a bikepath or perhaps light rail) needs to be determined. Jackson County is meeting with all relevant agencies in order to develop the requirements. The…
Continue ReadingGrain Belt Express Clean Line has finalized its proposed route for its electric transmission line. In Missouri, the route is proposed to go through Buchanan County, Clinton County, Caldwell County, Carroll County, Chariton County, Randolph County, Monroe County and Ralls County. The proposed direct current transmission lines beginning in Spearville,…
Continue ReadingThe Johnson County Gateway project in Johnson County, Kansas, is a road project by KDOT in cooperation with Lenexa, Olathe, Overland Park, Johnson County, and the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) to improve the I-435 / I-35 / K-10 corridor. The goal is to ease congestion and improve the interchanges. Side streets of…
Continue ReadingSt Louis metro (Missouri)
The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) is proposing interchange improvements along US Route 61 at Routes K and V in Troy, Lincoln County, Missouri. There are 4 alternatives to this project, with Alternative 4 being preferred. This project includes a new double-traffic circle overpass located between the intersection of Highway…
Continue ReadingThe City of Kirkwood is proposing an extension of Grant’s Trail that will will be constructed in two phases. Phase 1 is a two-way side path trail from East Argonne Dr/South Taylor Avenue intersection to the East Monroe Avenue/South Fillmore Ave intersection and a Greenway trail from East Monroe Avenue/South…
Continue ReadingThe City of Lee’s Summit in Jackson County, Missouri, recently released its 2025-2029 improvement plan. This plan includes several road improvement projects. Some of these projects are still in design and some will require future Right of Way acquisition of property. Among the projects being proposed are: Dick Howser Drive…
Continue ReadingThe Arnold Parkway is a $75 million project that will construct a nearly 2-mile road network from Richardson Road north through Arnold Crossroads to Highway 141. Arnold Parkway will start at Highway 141 near I-55 and connect to Michigan Avenue to the south. The road will run parallel to I-55…
Continue ReadingSt Louis metro (Illinois)
The Missouri Highway Department (MoDOT) revealed its plans for the Missouri Route 61 Improvement Project_ _ in St. Charles and Lincoln Counties. MoDOT will require new right-of-way and easements for the project. Overview Map of Route 61 Project Area The project includes improvements along five intersections on Route 61 (Peine Road, Route…
Continue ReadingSt. Charles County moves forward with its project to realign and reconstruct Foristell Road that will include Route Z from Fiddlecreek Ridge Road to approximately 350 feet south of Foristell Road and along Foristell Road from Route Z to approximately 450 feet to the west.
Continue ReadingThe Illinois Commerce Commissioner approved the final route of the Ameren/ATXISpoon River Transmission Line Project known as “Spoon River.” The new 345,000 kilo vole (345 kv) will be construct by Ameren Transmission Company of Illinois (ATXI) through Knox County and Peoria County in Illinois, connecting the Sandburg substation in Galesburg,…
Continue Reading90 miles of rail lines between Alton and Lincoln in Illinois are being upgraded as the initial step of high speed rail between St. Louis and Chicago. Second phase will be from Alton to Springfield and a third stage from Springfield to Lincoln.
Continue ReadingSpringfield and Branson News
P*roject Facts: Widen Jackson Street (Route 14) to five lanes between 16th Street and Finley River bridge Widen intersection of Jackson Street/Route NN/9th Street and remove 10th Street access to Route 14 Remove 4th Street access to Route NN Install new storm drains and add curb and gutter along Jackson…
Continue ReadingProposed Route of Branson Gondola Project A proposal by a private company, American Gondola, to build and operate an eight mile long gondola stretching from Silver Dollar City to Branson Landing may require the use of eminent domain for purposes of obtaining easements from property owners. American Gondola is currently…
Continue ReadingA three-mile long section of U.S. 60 near Rogersville, east of Springfield, will be converted into a freeway between Greene County Farm Road 241 and west of Chicory Road. Some outer roads may also be built as funding allows. This will be a design-build project contracted out by Missouri Department…
Continue ReadingA new railroad overpass is being built on Greene County Route 125 over over Greene County Route D by Missouri Department of Transportation. MoDOT will have the power to use eminent domain for this project. [Click here](/Eminent-Domain-Information/Highway-and-Road-Issues.html) for more information on road projects and eminent domain.
Continue ReadingMissouri: Other Areas
The Missouri Department of Transportation is proposing to realign Highway EE at route 160 in Highlandville, Christian County, Missouri. The project will include building an oval shaped roundabout at U.S. Route 160, Route EE and Mulberry Road, realign Mulberry Road on west side of roundabout, and realign the curve on…
Continue ReadingAmeren is proposing the “Montgomery-Callaway Connector Project” located in central Missouri. The project will connect the Burns Substation in Callaway County located northwest of Kingdom City to the Montgomery Substation in Montgomery County near New Florence. The transmission line project will include approximately 30 miles of double circuit, 345 kV…
Continue ReadingThe Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) is proposing interchange improvements along US Route 61 at Routes K and V in Troy, Lincoln County, Missouri. There are 4 alternatives to this project, with Alternative 4 being preferred. This project includes a new double-traffic circle overpass located between the intersection of Highway…
Continue ReadingAmeren is planning the Denny-Zachary-Thomas Hill-Maywood Project that will include the construction of over 200 miles of new 345 kV transmission lines with three transmission line segments. The first new line segment of the project will run approximately 100 miles from ATXI’s new Denny substation in DeKalb County to ATXI’s…
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