(314) 725-5151 ST LOUIS
Denlow & Henry
(888) 566-5151 TOLL FREE
Eminent Domain Information
Practicing Solely In Eminent Domain

Nor Shall Private Property Be Taken For Public Use, Without Just Compensation
- The 5th Amendment, U.S. Constitution

Sewer and Water

When portions of private property are condemned, or taken through eminent domain, to be used for public utilities, property owners are entitled to “just compensation.” However, determining the amount of compensation you deserve can be difficult.

At Denlow & Henry, our lawyers have been representing property owners throughout Missouri, and the areas of Kansas and Illinois near St. Louis and Kansas City for more than 40 years. We know eminent domain law and are dedicated to getting our clients compensation that is fair.

Sewer and Water Pipeline Issues

Having a sewer or water pipeline placed on your property can affect the value of your property in many ways, including:

At Denlow & Henry, we have many years of experience dealing with the constitutional, state and local laws that make up eminent domain law. We know how to use the laws and make them work for you. Our attorneys will evaluate the impact a water or sewer line has on your property value and work toward compensation that adequately compensates you for your financial loss.

We have experience representing clients in eminent domain actions involving residential, commercial and agricultural properties. Our firm has gone up against some of the region’s most prominent utility companies, including the Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) and Missouri American Water, as well as cities and counties that operate their own sewer and water facilities.

Contact Denlow & Henry for a Free Consultation

At Denlow & Henry, we can help you protect your financial interests in eminent domain actions involving sewer and water pipelines. Call our office at 314-725-5151 or toll free 888-566-5151 or contact us online to learn more about your rights in a free consultation.