2015 Articles
The City of O’Fallon together with MoDOT plan to convert the I-70 outer roadsbetween T.R. Hughes Blvd. and Woodlawn Ave. (including the Highway K/Main Street interchange) into one-way streets with an estimated completion date of 2018. As of April 2015, this project is fully funded with a combination of County…
Continue ReadingThis is a multi-phase project by the City of O’Fallon for the extension of Lake St. Louis Blvd. from Highway N to Diehr Road / Highway DD. Phase 1 from Highway N to Haycastle Drive Phase 2 from Haycastle Drive to Paul Renaud Blvd. This includes the installation of a…
Continue ReadingThe City of Wentzville, as part of the David Hoekel Parkway Project plans to realign a portion of Highway N at Hopewell / Duello Road intersections. A map of the project design is included below.
Continue ReadingThis is a multi-phase road project by St. Charles County to widen and realign portions of Duello Road. A map of Phase II is included below.
Continue ReadingThe Illinois Commerce Commissioner approved the final route of the Ameren/ATXISpoon River Transmission Line Project known as “Spoon River.” The new 345,000 kilo vole (345 kv) will be construct by Ameren Transmission Company of Illinois (ATXI) through Knox County and Peoria County in Illinois, connecting the Sandburg substation in Galesburg,…
Continue ReadingThe City of Columbia’s utility department, Columbia Water & Light, is planning a new electric power transmission line to serve the growing needs of the City. Of the two options proposed, Option A has been chosen. The $18 million project will install a 161kv line for approximately 8 miles. The…
Continue ReadingSupporters of the proposed NFL stadium in Downtown St. Louis have obtained approval to use eminent domain powers in order to acquire land needed for the project. The City of St. Louis is embroiled in a tug-of-war with Las Angeles for the Rams NFL franchise. The team has played in…
Continue ReadingThe Missouri Court of Appeals issued an opinion in a case brought by AMEREN TRANSMISSION COMPANY OF ILLINOIS (ATXI) in connection with the Mark Twain Transmission Project. In the lawsuit, ATXI originally sued the Missouri Public Service Commission claiming that it did not require PSC approval to construct the Mark…
Continue ReadingIn St. Louis, the Board of Adermen are moving to authorize the use of Eminent Domain to move homeowners and businesses in the City’s bid to keep the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency in the city limits. The Agency, which has called St Louis home for decades (formerly known as the “Defense…
Continue ReadingAmeren Transmission Company of Illinois (Ameren) announced that it has selected a final route for its Mark Twain Transmission Project. Landowners affected by the route can expect to be notified by letter. The route maps are found below. The project calls for construction of a 345,000-volt transmission line from Palmyra,…
Continue ReadingRobert Denlow, of Denlow & Henry, will speak at the American Law Institute’s conference on Eminent Domain. He is slated to speak Thursday, February 5 when the at the conference held in San Francisco that features the leading eminent domain attorneys in the country. Mr. Denlow has been a featured…
Continue ReadingThere are indications that the City of St. Louis and the Convention Authority may start acquiring land for the proposed NFL stadium. While St. Louis races against Los Angeles to build a new stadium for the Rams football team, one of St. Louis’ biggest obstacles is that it does not…
Continue ReadingAmeren Transmission Company of Illinois (ATXI) filed of Notice of Intent to file an application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity with the Missouri Public Service Commission for its Mark Twain Transmission Project. The Notice was filed on December 9, 2014. The move comes as a surprise as…
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